The health and safety of Dart’s community is our priority. With the recent news around coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to make sure Dart drivers and riders know the best way to protect themselves and others when sharing the ride.
Please note that Dart will be distributing hand sanitiser for all active drivers and awaiting delivery next week. However in the meantime please try to source own disinfectant spray or liquid.
Basic steps to protect yourself from COVID-19
Wash your hands often with soap and clean water. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
Wear a face mask, and do not forget to dispose of it properly
Cover your mouth and nose with your flexed elbow or tissue when cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the tissue immediately.
Seek immediate medical care and attention if you have cough, fever and breathing difficulties. STAY OFFLINE IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.
*Dart recommend to sanitize and wipe down all touched surfaces by riders; wiping down handles and surfaces with disinfectant after each ride*