May 2020 Issue
President's Message

By Lucas Messenger, Robins Kaplan, LLP

COVID-19 has thrown quite the wrench in all of our best-laid plans for 2020, and we here at the CCBA hope that you and yours remain healthy and safe. To comply with applicable stay-at-home orders, the CCBA has taken all of its events off calendar, and is working hard to reschedule them, including the 52nd Annual Installation Banquet and Awards Ceremony, for some time in the Fall, COVID-permitting.

At this year’s Banquet, the CCBA will be honoring these outstanding people and lawyers:

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Perils and Pitfalls of Parallel Proceedings

By Kevin Gres, Esq., Law Offices of Kevin Gres

Johnny Doe is being sued. As your initial discovery deadlines slowly approach, you call up Johnny to discuss crafting responses. After a few minutes of pleasantries, Johnny tells you he was recently indicted by a grand jury and has a court date quickly approaching. Talk about throwing a monkey wrench into the mix.  How does this impact your case? What are the larger ramifications?
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Our Board’s Favorite Take-Out and Delivery Spots

During this unprecedented time where we are spending most (or all) of our time at home in order to protect our community, the Century City Bar Association board members have found some great take-out and delivery options to keep the stay at home menu interesting and delicious!  And to support some of our local restaurants, we thought we would share some of our favorites!

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LAUSD Schools are closed, but Communities In Schools of Los Angeles is not

Communities In Schools of Los Angeles (CISLA) is usually in schools working towards our mission to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life. We provide one-on-one case management for nearly 1,000 at-risk students and their families.


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Helpful Websites for Your COVID-19 News 

During this time, information on COVID-19 and how it is affecting daily life seems to be changing daily (if not hourly).  As lawyers, many of us have questions on what hearings are going forward, whether courts are accepting filings, and whether we can take depositions remotely.  To help answer some of these questions, below are some helpful links for COVID-19 updates and information:

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2020 Officers and Board of Directors Ballot 
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Lucas Messenger

President Elect 
Lori L. Werderitch

Vice President
Nina Hong

Brett Taylor 

Joanna MacMillan


Executive Director

Shaili Jalali


Fay Arfa
Ashley Bowman
Camilla Chan
Kevin Cole
Rachelle Cohen
Dorie Choderker
Robert Freund
Nina Hong
Duane Kumagai
Joanna MacMillan
Lucas Messenger
Stefan O’Grady

Lina Perez

Rick Ross

Mark Sedlander 

Michael Seiden

Brett Taylor

Lori Werderitch

Daniel Zar

Century City Lawyer Editor-in-chief 
 Brett Taylor
P.O. Box 24273
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Copyright © 2020 Century City Bar Associationall rights reserved.
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