February 2019  -  Vol.2, Issue 2
Susan, welcome to February's ProcurePro Newsletter! 
Just a reminder this is your last chance to help us name our newsletter!  We've had some great suggestions so far and thank everyone who has participated to date.  If you have a suggestion please remember to submit it by March 1st for a chance to win a $20 Starbucks gift card!  We will announce the new name in the March newsletter.  To participate please click here.   
Blog Series: Top 10 Reasons Why Procurement Fails
  In this series, I will be introducing the top 10 reasons why Procurement fails.  Why failing?  Why not, succeeding?  There are many successes to be celebrated, however, in my experience, many of my best, hard earned lessons, were from failing.  Either my own personal failure or a failure I observed as a leader or member of a team, which can often be more painful.  What is most important is how you react to failure and what lessons you learned from those failures.  I like the saying “fail-forward” and truly believe you must fail and fail often so that you can become better and continuously learn.  In that spirit I share with you the top 10 reasons why procurement fails and the lessons we can learn.
#10 Fail to Engage Stakeholders
Engaging with stakeholders is something many procurement professionals shy away from or wait until the strategy is complete.  Often, they think they need to develop some shiny and perfect strategy or proposal before they will be taken seriously.  Too late! “Involvement fosters ownership”, my old boss at Rogers Communications; Don Moffatt use to say.  Engaging Stakeholders early in a procurement, strategic sourcing or project management initiative, is critical. 
How to Advance Your Career by Focusing on the Team!
Too often we are consumed with our own agenda.  What's in it for me?  What's best for me?  How can I look good?  This, some would argue, will lead to your own, often limited and fleeting, personal success ... But, you ask, if I don't look out for myself who will?  Its simply not sustainable.  This self centered approach will not serve you well in the long run.  Read the Whole Article here.
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ProcurePro News & Events

We are excited to let everyone know that ProcurePro's own CEO, Jill Button will be a guest speaker at A Celebration of Women for the International Women's Day Celebration 2019 in Toronto, on March 10th.  For more information about this amazing event and Jill's speaking engagement please click here.  
Please email us at info@procurepro.ca or visit our website. We're always happy to talk or anwer any questions you may have about procurement, competitive bids, negotiations and more.
Call us at: 416-505-8698
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