Autism unemployment rate is currently at 78%. It is the highest of all special needs groups. Research by the Office of National Statistics also shows that over 700,000 young people are currently not in employment, education or training.

We are committed to improve these statistics and are very happy to announce the launch of the brand new Transition to Employment Toolkit. The new resource will support autistic students with their transition into employment after education.

The Toolkit is accessible to all on the Ambitious about Autism website and it will help to tackle the low autism employment rate, which is currently at 22% and the lowest of all disabled groups.

What’s included?

The Tools provided will help more autistic young people access sustainable and meaningful opportunities. The tools will help develop awareness of employers understanding of autism and support the hiring and retaining of talented young people.

Who is it for?

The resources are also relevant for:

- autistic young people,
- their parents/ carers,
- teachers
- and other relevant professionals

Who produced it?

This project has been co-produced in partnership with Ambitious about Autism Youth Patrons, the experts by experience. Expert partners, Creased Puddle were also involved in the development process, utilising best practice and up-to-date research, us at The Autism Education Trust and the Department for Education.

Sarah Broadhurst, Director at Autism Education Trust, said:

“As the number of children diagnosed with autism is rising, the number of autistic young people entering the job market is increasing, too. They are full of aspirations and have big plans for the future, as all young people do, but very often encounter difficulties during their first steps into employment because recruitment processes are not catering for their different skills and needs.

This fantastic new resource gives practical help and tools to employers, post-16 professionals and young people for every step of the way from preparing an employee profile all the way to post-placement evaluation. Thankfully, more and more employers are recognising the benefits of the diverse and unique talents autistic young people can offer. We hope this document will help them support many more autistic young people to fulfil their aspirations.”

Get the Employment Toolkit Here
You can explore all 4 resources on their website:

- Transition to employment toolkit
- Toolkit for professionals
- Toolkit for young people
- Toolkit for employers

It will make a huge difference to the lives of autistic people and, we hope, the job market.

Please share this toolkit with your networks and via your social media channels and continue to help make the ordinary possible for children and young people with autism.

Best wishes,


Do you need new ideas, evidence-based strategies and practical tools to support autistic children and young people at school or through home-schooling?

Find out how the AET Tools for Teachers can help.

The AET Tools for Teachers is a comprehensive collection of 44 teaching tools and practical strategies enabling teachers, education professionals and home educators to effectively support autistic children and young people aged 0 – 25. 


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