Adrienne Wilson

1986 - 2001


  1. Happy Birthday

    Happy 34th Birthday. Love seeing these old photos and reliving your memory. No doubt you would be doing something incredible for our world . We love and think of you still.


  2. Your Story

    Hey sweetie, I’m going to tell the world your story this spring. In real time, the way it happened to us. I hope you’ll approve and guide me through the process. Reliving it won’t be easy. I love and miss you every damn day.


  3. Love you

    I miss your spirit. I often imagine what you’d be doing today. You affected my life. You are loved


  4. 24

    You would have been 24 years old last week. I just read all of the messages that people have left you over the years. Some of them make me laugh, others make me cry, and a few make me shake my head because people assert things about you …
    1) I know there’s no way you would have allowed your nephews to be born on my birthday; you know how much “my day” means to me. After all, we spent my 29th birthday together in the hospital.
    2) You would have gone to USC–no matter what. It is not what I wanted, but you were just as stubborn as I am. I know you had already made up your mind.
    3) Since you have died, so many people have claimed to be your best friend, and I think you would have been perplexed by their reactions. I’ve read you journals; I know how you felt about not having that one “super-glue” friend.
    I miss you so much, kiddo. I thought by the time you were an adult, you would be my best friend. I would never stop being your parent or your sister, but I was looking forward to being your friend. I’ve cried every day since your birthday; the tears just won’t stop.
    Love, Sissy


  5. love

    we love and miss you here in alabama!


  6. we miss you so much!


  7. hey you

    Hey kiddo…wow, it has been a long time. I found myself telling YOUR story the other day, and found myself missing you “somethin’ fierce.” I can still here you saying..”Jamie, its MON-I-CAAAAA>” You are so special. Take care.


  8. 5 Years

    Still think of you and smile. You are so missed.


  9. Missing You

    Still thinking of you, Adrienne. You’ve never left our hearts.

    Jim Keller

  10. little sister.

    katie’s hurting. watch over her for me. i cant always be there. i want you to meet my family. my little boy. my husband. you wouldnt believe katie with anthony… shes such an awesome aunt. we miss you.


  11. Adrienne

    Thank you for sharing Adrienne’s remarkable story with the rest of us, and may God bless you both!


  12. 4 Years

    Miss you Adrienne. I go by H’Wood Forever on my way to work every day now. I can’t believe it’s been four years. You’d be in college now, and though I know you spoke of wanting to go to USC, I think you’d have ended up somewhere on the East Coast…Ivy League most likely. Ah we can all dream of what might have been. But here we are, all thinking about you in our own way and wishing you were still with us, bringing your special light to our lives. We’ll all just have to settle for the memories. Again, I miss you sweety.


  13. Coachella

    Someone at work just brought up Coachella. Of course it made me think of you. Miss you sweetie. I am reminded of you so many times and in so many ways. Went by H’wood Forever, as you know. Someday I’ll get around to editing my Super 8 footage from 2002 from your room and the cemetery. I think you would have liked the short art film I did with some of that footage.
    Love, Jeremy~


  14. still here every day. miss u much.


  15. Del Taco

    Thanks for sharing lunch with me.


  16. Merry Xmas

    Would have loved to have you over for xmas dinner. Eko and Dorian would have lovd your company. Ozzy still rocks. Dave Navarro still has a goatee (he is married to Carmen Electra now & they have a tv show). And you are still gone. Miss you much.


  17. hey miss u gurlie


  18. 3 Years

    Well, we went past the three year mark. It is still hard to believe you’re not around anymore. I miss you so much Adrienne. I have such fond memories of you…but you know that.
    I just wanted you to know that things are getting better for me now. Things are improving. It’s still hard to think of you not being around. I guess it will take some time. It will never be okay though.
    Thanks for the time I had with you.


  19. Dorian

    Wish you could see Dorian. He is remarkable. You would have so much fun together. Maybe you already do. Miss you.

    Dorian's Daddy

  20. Hi

    Hey Kiddo. Miss you.

    Uncle J

  21. From the lightbulb guy

    I have only the fondest memories of Adrian. I’m so sad to hear this. She was always the most cheerful person when I would see her. I wish I would have been in contact more.


  22. 2 years

    I miss you.


  23. Hope

    I am an innovative thinker and I belive I may have a method which if refined has the potential to eliminate permanantly various forms of cancer, I have tried to contact others before in these regards with only scrutiny or silence as a response, so I leave it to you to do what you will, my contact info is, e-mail anytime, I really dont mind


  24. Your B-Day

    Hi Adrienne — just thinking of you on your birthday. I miss you.
    Love, Julia



    I really need to contact you Andrea. It is reguarding the Blue Faery Assosiation. I have an idea of how to raise donation money. I feel i owe a lot to the girl that concidered me her best friend in middle school. Please contact me ASAP!!!! Or you can also reach me at (818)848-3716


  26. Turkey Day

    Happy Thanksgiving Day Kiddo. I love you.

    Big Daddy

  27. Dorian and the Blue Faery

    Dorian was in your room the other day. Thanks for playing with him. He laughed and laughed. He loves his Aunt Adrienne. And so do we.

    Big Daddy

  28. A year

    Hey Kiddo,
    We went to visit you at the cemetery last weekend, but you weren’t there. Glad you were with your Sissy because, as you know, she needs you. I feel you so strong in your room. Anyway, I figured no one would want to write on this day, so I’d just write a few words. I miss you and love you and think of you all the time. Still have a hard time wrapping my big head around the idea that you’re not here anymore.
    Love, Jeremy~


  29. Hi Sweetie

    Was just thinking of you and wanted to say hello.


  30. Recpetion

    Thanks for sending the drunk guys to the reception during the remembrance. Hehehehehehe! You have a way of getting our attention. We love you.

    J & M

  31. Still Thinking

    You are in my thoughts daily. I miss you so much.


  32. There is no end to the tears.

    "Mr. Hips"

  33. Monty Grass

    Missed you at your birthday party. Felt like you were just around the corner and was ready for you to come and talk to me at light speed again. By the way, could you stop pulling the hair on the back of my neck? I mean, c’mon! =) Love you and miss you as you well know. You’re still the best.


  34. adrienne



  35. A special day

    Happy Birthday my precious Adrienne


  36. it’s my 16th birthday. i just wanted to tell ya that. and i saw some girl in a JTHM shirt at a show tonite. miss you tons, love you always.

    andy in buffalo, again

  37. Just a hello

    Hi Adrienne,
    I was just thinking of you and wanted to say “hello”. I can’t tell you what a treat it was to see Andrea at the 22nd mile mark in the LA marathon last Sunday. I hadn’t seen her smile like that in such a long time. In was overwhelmingly infectious! Jeremy and I waited only a five or so minutes before she came by but it would have been worth waiting many hours to see that smile! She looked as happy as if you were right there with her — but of course you were there, weren’t you? 😉
    Love you,


  38. babies

    There are two babies being born to couples very close to you. If you have anything to do with it, they will both be born on Andrea’s 30th birthday. I know you are enjoying the humor in this. You will be a great gaurdian faery for Monica and my child, and also to Anna and Andy’s. Teach the children wonderful things that we as adults are too old to see. Show them the beauty of the faery world. Show them your love, your humor, your Adrienne-ness. Aunt Adrienne: the blue faery.


  39. They got it right.


  40. babies

    There are two babies being born to couples very close to you. If you have anything to do with it, they will both be born on Andrea’s 30th birthday. I know you are enjoying the humor in this. You will be a great gaurdian faery for Monica and my child, and also to Anna and Andy’s. Teach the children wonderful things that we as adults are too old to see. Show them the beauty of the faery world. Show them your love, your humor, your Adrienne-ness. Aunt Adrienne: the blue faery.


  41. i miss you so very much. i think about you all the time, i mean how could i not. you are the best. they say it is better to have loved and lost, than never knowing at all. this is definitely true. you are the one person that i could ever share all my thoughts and feelings with. Grown-ups just don’t understand. (hehehe)I love you


  42. Every Day

    I feel that my mind is a child’s. Because, I think, “When is Adrienne coming back?” I thought that I would see her graduate high school. I expected to watch my daughter and Adrienne grow into adulthood together.
    Then, she became ill. She was, so suddenly, very sick. It felt like Adrienne had been in some sort of an accident.
    But then, she was able to show us, even more than she already had, what being human is all about. We, all of us around her, were given this gift. In return, we had to say goodbye.
    Adrienne is not physically on the planet any more. So again, I ask “When is Adrienne coming back?”


  43. laughing

    I didn’t expect to find myself laughing while sitting at your grave site alone the other day…but something tickled me and I realized that you were there and that you were laughing too. Thanks for being there…you’ll always be one of the few people I relate to on a soul level. And you’ll always be our Blue Faery. I still think about you every day…but you know that.


  44. 12/31/01-01/01/02

    Happy New Year Blue Faery. A new year dawns without you in the world; but, not a year will go by without you in our hearts


  45. Missing You

    I still haven’t gotten over the death of Adrienne Wilson. I still miss her very much. I have had a few dreams with her inclueded. In all of them, she did not say a word, only smile. Sometimes when I look at some pictures I have, I cry. She’ll always be in my memory.

    Charissa Romero

  46. we walk in the footsteps of someone who was great


  47. merry christmas, adrienne. a day hasn’t gone by where i haven’t thought of you and everything i learned from you. i’ll never forget it all! thanks a buch. love you always and forever!


  48. 12/25/01

    merry christmas blue faery.


  49. yesterday

    I visited you yesterday. It was quiet.


  50. Adrienne

    ..sometimes I feel myself just crying and I want to let it out, but i can’t, I just tuck it up in this big ball that keeps growing..I know that u r supposed to let it out but how can I when, when I do and I still want to keep on crying forever and ever and ever and ever…Everyone of us evryone loved her so much… she was perfect, a perfect being..some people say there is no perfect person but when they say that I immeadiatley think of Adriene whenever I talked to her, all the things said to me were nice, caring and loving she appreciated everyone..for their unique self..I love her so much so very very much I’m sure she knew that but you could never say i love you enough times to her..yuo just couldn’t..and also like Jamie…sometimes I’ll be doing something or looking atv something she would like and then I stop myself and say wait…:( that wouldn’t be able to do that because she’s pause..I don’t know I’m bringing myself to say this but she’s GONE….


  51. Princess

    Everyday I check your webpages and flip through photographs and once again come to the realization that I can’t just pick up the phone. I can’t just swing by your house. I can’t sit in the bed of my truck waiting for you to walk over to me with your blue “book-bag.” I thank you for the memories Adrienne. I thank you for them…and for all the people you have given to me. I thank you for your family.


  52. a day without you

    To quote the Bee Gees: “You should be dancing.”


  53. thinking addendum

    What Jamie said is so true for me as well. This past Saturday, when Julia and I were getting ready to go to the dance recital at Burbank HS, I actually thought, “Oh cool, I get to see the kiddo again…it’s been a while and I’ve missed her!” It was a happy thought which quickly turned melancholy. Now I feel like my initial thought was right…she was there that night…watching all of us and giggling at how silly we all are. She was, and still is, the most wonderful, special, intelligent, in tune, hard headed, opinionated, obstinate, fun, and perfect kiddo. I love you, Adrienne.


  54. thinking

    There is this moment of every day (since October 9) that it hits me that Adrienne is not here. I know all day long, but at this moment the sadness is overwhelming. My lips tense, my eyes become smaller, my heart becomes heavy. I want to call her, hear her laugh, her humor. I want her to tell my about the new season of Ab Fab, talking so fast that I can only hear her spirit. There is that moment, when I hear the echo of her spirit, and its hard to take another step, another breath.
    I miss you blue faery.


  55. thank you.

    you woke me up.taght me that the only thing you can really do with life is live it, and live it hard. have fun. no use striving to be mediocre. for you a will try to be the best person i can be.
    so we never will get to build a bon fire in the arizona desert and dance around to white zombie, but the thought of the possibilty that we could have will keep me going for the rest of my years.
    with love,


  56. hello...

    hi, this is james…i’ve only met her in my life for 4 hours of my life, we watched Amadeus, and ate at tacobell afterwards together with jamie…but it feels like i’ve known her for a long time, a lifetime. I was kind of shy and we didn’t talk alot. But by the way she acted kindly to me, I knew she was sweet, caring, smart, friendly, nice, and cool. I’m sorry I couldn’t have messaged this sooner, I wanted to tell her that she’ll make it, and that the pain will be great but god will be there for her, but my anxiety got the best of me. I feel I could’ve made a difference, if not physically, at least spiritually and emotionally. Now i sit her typing this, after Adrienne is gone, and I regret it. I’m sorry. I wanted to tell her that I still remember her, and that I cared for her, but she’s gone now, and I miss her. I prayed for her, and I hope she at least can hear me up in heaven, what I’ve been longing to tell her.
    **it is said that no one deserves to die, and it is true, Adrienne, especially Adrienne, i don’t know why god would take such a optimistic, happy, sunny soul of this Earth. It’s people like her that make people like me go on and live life. She can brighten up anyones day. I miss Adrienne,and I know that she’s in a better place now.

    james...we watched amadeus together with jamie...

  57. in my heart

    Adrienne, you made my world that was turned upsode down, turn right side up. i don’t think you ever knew how much you meant to me. i wish that this summer i had taken a little more effort to come and visit you but i just didn’t. i hate myself for that, but i know that you are watching me and standing next to me when something hard comes along, cause you were always there for me and you never will leave. i love you and miss you so much. don’t ever forget that. you’ll be in my heart forever.


  58. shining star

    Although I only met Adrienne a few times, I feel like I knew her from all the things said about her by my friend Michelle. Watching the video had an impact on my heart. Her face will be etched in my memory for years to come. She was quite the shining star and always will be.


  59. Adrienne, Jeremy and I are always talking about you.. I love these photos.. they capture your scintillating personality so!
    Love, Julia


  60. Dear Adrienne, even though I only met you once (and for a short time at that) I was so struck by your wisdom, your incredibly warm nature, your deep love for your sister and your very infectious laugh. You seemed to have the soul and the experience of a gentle 200-year old woman – just amazing. I was then and am still, so envious of the wonderful relationship that you have with your Sissy, you are very much an inspiration. You are and forever will be a credit to the human existence.


  61. correction

    thanks kid for letting me feel like I was doing something to help you.


  62. helping

    thanks kid for letting feel like I was doing something to help you.


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